
5 Precautionary Measures To Prevent Ransomware Attacks


We are currently in the information technology (IT) era. Technology and the internet are now part of our everyday lives. Whether it is for communicating, locating, shopping, studying, promoting, or even running a business, technology can help make these tasks possible, simpler and faster. Businesses nowadays also opt for online selling and using the internet for storing, sorting data, running, and managing it. The internet and technology are vital parts of running a business and give many benefits. However, using the internet comes with risks. As tasks are done online, so are crimes. There are a lot of different kinds of cyber crimes that threaten your company. One of the most common today is ransomware. Though a lot of software and guides are available that help lessens these types of crimes, this issue is still very much prevalent. That is exactly why you should not be laid back and should know how to prevent ransomware attacks.

Before we dive into the precautionary measures to take, let us first see what ransomware is. Understanding its nature will help us know more about how to prevent them. 

Ransomware is a type of malware or malicious software that prevents users from accessing their files.  It is designed to block a computer system so that the hackers can demand money in exchange for access to the files, therefore called “ransomware.” This malware hides in email attachments, ads, and links; you can also get this by entering an infected web page or downloading infected files. 

Precautionary measures to observe to avoid ransomware attacks

Do not forget about the emails.

Ransomware attacks usually happen via emails, so this is where you should focus the most. Give your team a list of the verified contacts so that when they receive an email attachment that is unfamiliar to them, it will signal them to be cautious. Once they see that malicious attachment, they can immediately report it to the IT team. You can also use filtering options so that fewer unfamiliar emails come into the company. The lesser emails that come in, the lesser the chance of ransomware. And if you do get attacked by one, it is easier to identify which it came from, and it would be easier for the police to track them down.

Train the employees

To prevent ransomware attacks from happening, the users should know what to avoid and how to assess information. However, knowing these things by yourself is not enough; the whole team should be involved. Teach your employees how to spot malicious links and emails and what to do if they do find one. They should know what makes something threatening for them to avoid it.

Install Intrusion Detection System

IDS or Intrusion Detection System is an application that monitors a certain network. This searches for malicious activities and policy violations and immediately reports these problems. This software will lessen the system’s vulnerability by serving a guard who screens network activity. 

Create backup strategies

You should do this to prevent total damage if you fall into this issue. Back up your data regularly and find the most efficient backup strategy that works for your business. Back your file up at least twice a day so that you will have fewer files lost in case of ransomware attacks in the middle of the day. Backing up your data allows your company to continue operating while authorities investigate the incident. 

Come up with plans 

Another thing you can do to lessen the damage of a ransomware attack is to create a plan. Your plan should include a team who knows how to respond to a ransomware attack and is knowledgeable about malware and viruses. Specific roles should be assigned to keep the operation smoothly flowing and avoid miscommunications. 




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