
The Ultimate Guide: Sawan Kab Hai – All You Need to Know


Sawan Kab Hai: Understanding the Auspicious Month of Sawan

The month of Sawan holds immense significance in the Hindu calendar, particularly for devotees of Lord Shiva. This sacred month, corresponding to the Gregorian months of July-August, is marked by various rituals, traditions, and festivities. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the various aspects of Sawan, its importance, customs, and ways in which it is celebrated across India.

**What is Sawan?

Sawan, also known as Shravan, is the fifth month (July-August) of the Hindu calendar. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva, and during this time, devotees observe strict fasts and perform various rituals to seek his blessings.

Importance of Sawan

The Legend of Sawan: According to Hindu mythology, the churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan) took place in the month of Sawan. As a result, a deadly poison emerged from the ocean, threatening the existence of the world. To save the world, Lord Shiva drank this poison, thus earning him the title of Neelkanth (the one with a blue throat).

Lord Shiva’s Grace: It is believed that worshipping Lord Shiva with a pure heart during Sawan can fulfill one’s wishes and bring prosperity and happiness. Devotees seek his blessings for protection from evil forces and to attain spiritual enlightenment.

Rituals and Customs of Sawan

Fasting: Fasting on Mondays during Sawan is considered highly auspicious. Devotees abstain from consuming grains and only eat fruits, milk, and specific ingredients allowed during the fast.

Kanwar Yatra: A significant pilgrimage undertaken by devotees to collect holy water from the Ganges River and offer it at Shiva temples. The Kanwariyas, as they are called, travel long distances barefoot as a mark of devotion.

Rudrabhishek: A special puja done to worship Lord Shiva, wherein the Shiva Linga is bathed with various substances like milk, curd, honey, and ghee while chanting Vedic mantras.

Offerings and Prayers: Devotees offer bel patra (leaves), dhatura (a type of flower), bhaang (cannabis), and other sacred items to Lord Shiva during this month.

Celebrations Across India

Nag Panchami: In various parts of the country, Nag Panchami is celebrated during Sawan. Snakes, considered sacred in Hindu mythology, are worshipped on this day for protection and prosperity.

Teej: In Rajasthan and various other northern states, Teej, a festival celebrated by women, falls during the Sawan month. Women observe fasts and pray for the well-being of their husbands.

Kajari Teej: Celebrated primarily in North India, especially in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, this festival is observed by women for the well-being of their children.

Raksha Bandhan: The festival of Raksha Bandhan, which celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters, also falls in the month of Sawan. Sisters tie rakhi (sacred thread) on their brothers’ wrists and receive gifts in return.

Significance of Different Days in Sawan

First Monday (Sawan Somwar): Considered highly auspicious, the first Monday of Sawan holds special significance. Devotees flock to Shiva temples to offer prayers and seek blessings.

Sawan Shivratri: The Shivratri that falls during the Sawan month is celebrated with great fervor. Devotees observe day-long fasts and stay up all night chanting prayers and hymns in reverence to Lord Shiva.

Second Monday (Bolu Sawan): On this day, devotees offer water to Peepal trees, which are considered sacred in Hindu mythology. This ritual is believed to bring prosperity and ward off negative energies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Sawan

  1. Q: When does Sawan begin and end?
    A: Sawan usually begins in July and ends in August, following the Hindu calendar.

  2. Q: Is fasting compulsory during Sawan?
    A: While fasting is not mandatory, it is considered auspicious and is practiced by many devotees.

  3. Q: Can anyone observe fasts during Sawan?
    A: Yes, anyone can observe fasts during Sawan, regardless of age or gender.

  4. Q: What are the benefits of fasting during Sawan?
    A: Fasting is believed to purify the body and mind, bring blessings from Lord Shiva, and fulfill devotees’ wishes.

  5. Q: How is Sawan celebrated in different regions of India?
    A: Sawan is celebrated with varied traditions such as Kanwar Yatra in North India, Teej in Rajasthan, and Nag Panchami in various parts of the country.

  6. Q: What is the significance of offering bel patra to Lord Shiva during Sawan?
    A: Bel patra is considered sacred and represents purity and devotion. Offering it to Lord Shiva is believed to bring blessings and fulfillment of desires.

  7. Q: Can non-Hindus participate in the rituals of Sawan?
    A: Yes, people from all backgrounds are welcome to participate in the rituals and celebrations of Sawan as a mark of respect and unity.

  8. Q: How can one perform the Rudrabhishek puja at home during Sawan?
    A: To perform Rudrabhishek at home, one can bathe the Shiva Linga with milk, curd, honey, ghee, and water while chanting prayers or mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva.

  9. Q: What should one keep in mind while observing fasts during Sawan?
    A: It is essential to maintain purity of thoughts and actions, consume sattvik food, and focus on prayers and devotion while observing fasts during Sawan.

  10. Q: What is the significance of the Kanwar Yatra during Sawan?
    A: The Kanwar Yatra is undertaken by devotees to collect holy water from the Ganges River and offer it to Lord Shiva as a symbol of devotion and penance.

In conclusion, Sawan holds deep spiritual significance for millions of devotees across India. The month is not just about rituals and traditions but also serves as a period of introspection, devotion, and seeking blessings from the divine. By understanding the essence of Sawan and actively participating in its customs, individuals can experience a profound connection with Lord Shiva and enrich their spiritual journey.



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